Hi ladies I'm finally back! I've been having so many tests and just been busy with a bunch of homework. They really don't lie when they say that elementary school is like water compared to high school, and I'm at my first year and after summer it'll be my second year of high school and I've just heard that the second year is the hardest, sooo I'm a bit frightened since it's already pretty hard, but speaking of WATER.. Water is what I wanna talk about today.

I've been struggling with bad breakouts and red dots on my face and on my back. BUT then I started reading about what could cause it and help ease it up a bit and most articles I found said that if you don't drink enough water it can actually cause breakouts, because your skin doesn't get the needed hydration.

So what I did was I started drinking a lot more water and replaced it with sodas, juices that contained sugars and milk. I used to drink 3-4 glasses of milk everyday and now that I only drink 1 and drinking a hole lot of water I started seeing big changes in the way my skin looks. It looks way more hydrated and soft now and my skin looks better than ever!

Water can really make a big difference and cutting down on milk products would be a very good idea if your trying to get healtier looking skin :)

Good luck everyone and have a nice sunday!