Strawberry & Blueberry Smoothie - Easy to make!

Hi girls! I've been loving smoothies lately - especially a nice cold smoothie with strawberries and blueberries. This smoothie is filled with C- and A-vitamin.
It takes 5 min. to make and tastes heavenly. 

The reason I started making smoothies is because I didn't really think I got enough fruit and every time I want to snack on something or drink some soda, I just take my healthy smoothie out and replace it with the bad cravings. It makes my 'little need' for sugar go away since the smoothie tastes so sweet. If I'm hungry it also helps just drinking a smoothie since it's filled with vitamins and think about it... You actually eat lots of fruits, just by drinking that one smoothie that tastes amazing. 

 Recipe (for 2 glasses):
1/2 Cup of blueberry youghurt 
1/2 Cup of orange juice
1 Banana
1 Apple
1 Orange
9 Strawberries
15 Blueberries

Now blend it all together for about 5-8 min. depending on how thick/thin you want your smoothie to be. I like mine between thin and thick, but not so thin it's like water, if you know what I mean. 
Now enjoy your lovely smoothie!

TIP: If you know you wanna do smoothies almost everyday I recommend cutting some fruit out and lay it in your freezer - that way it's easier for you to do your smoothie and your fruit will last way longer! But fresh fruit will always be the best. 

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