Hi ladies I'm finally back! I've been having so many tests and just been busy with a bunch of homework. They really don't lie when they say that elementary school is like water compared to high school, and I'm at my first year and after summer it'll be my second year of high school and I've just heard that the second year is the hardest, sooo I'm a bit frightened since it's already pretty hard, but speaking of WATER.. Water is what I wanna talk about today.

I've been struggling with bad breakouts and red dots on my face and on my back. BUT then I started reading about what could cause it and help ease it up a bit and most articles I found said that if you don't drink enough water it can actually cause breakouts, because your skin doesn't get the needed hydration.

So what I did was I started drinking a lot more water and replaced it with sodas, juices that contained sugars and milk. I used to drink 3-4 glasses of milk everyday and now that I only drink 1 and drinking a hole lot of water I started seeing big changes in the way my skin looks. It looks way more hydrated and soft now and my skin looks better than ever!

Water can really make a big difference and cutting down on milk products would be a very good idea if your trying to get healtier looking skin :)

Good luck everyone and have a nice sunday!

Dry Shampoo by got2b Schwarzkopf

Hi ladies! Many people have a problem finding the right dry shampoo, especially brunettes since they need a dry shampoo that sprays out dark powder, but this dry shampoo sprays out in white and it still works if your a brunette! I've been looking for the best dry shampoo forever, but I've never had luck finding the best one, but then one day when I was in Germany I saw this thing standing and calling my name. It's the best dry shampoo I've ever tried hands down. It doesn't smell funny or anything, it doesn't get stuck in my hair, it's not sticky, it's very easy to brush out and it really does remove the greasiness from your hair. I just love this product!

Before using it you need to shake it well and then you can apply it to your oily roots. It really gives you the appearance and the feeling of new washed hair. With this thing you can go up to 4 days without washing your hair. I recommend 3 days max, since you need to wash your hair.  

On the back of the bottle it tells you all the things you need to do to use the product correctly and it says ROCK YOUR STYLE 1 MORE DAY!

What is dry shampoo? If you don't know what dry shampoo is, it's like a shampoo in sprayform that comes out in powder. If your hair is looking greasy and you don't have time to take a bath, just take your dry shampoo out and spray your oily roots and you can rock another day without washing it.

If you haven't found your best dry shampoo yet - give this a try!
Have a nice Sunday ladies <3

 (My dry shampoo, love them!)

Marilyn Monroe Quotes

ALL BLACK - H&M Footwear

Hi everyone! It's time for some footwear that looks good and looks expensive without spending all of your money, what better brand than H&M? I took a look on H&M's website and looked through all of their shoes and I've found the ones that I liked the most. I decided to do an ALL BLACK "theme" since black can go with almost anything! I am defiantly going to buy some of these, if not them all lol :) I wanna talk about the different footwear and what you can pair them with, the prize and direct link to the footwear. So let's just jump right into it.

These I'm totally in love with! It works perfect with any simple dress that needs some touch up. I think they'll also look amazing with a jumpsuit. The gold chain really caught my eye, because it's really modern having some gold chain look going on. These you can defiantly rock to any party.
Buy them here:

 These shoes are just awesome. I really like the pattern on these shoes. You can defiantly wear them on a daily basis with some jeans and casual t-shirt. I just think these shoes looks so fresh and clean and gives any look a modern touch.
Buy them here:

Now these pumps reminds me of Bratz by some reason. They look kind of big and very feminine. I really like that about them. You can wear these with a cute dress or skirt. I think they'll work with most party-looks since they're black! That's why we love black shoes!
Buy them here:

Ballet flats!!! Who doesn't love ballet flats? I think these are so adorable with a little touch of gold on the bow and at the little heel. You can wear these to almost anything and still look cute. These ballet flats look so cute and I really love the pattern (like the shoes I've already talked about) You can wear these on a daily basis or to a party.
Buy them here:

Hello fashionista! These ankle boots are totally modern, again with the touch of gold on the side. Many of the H&M footwear have a gold thing attached to them in this new collection, I really like that! Since I'm in love with gold :) I think because of the fabric you can still wear them on a daily basis, since the fabric tones it down a bit, you know what I mean?
Buy them here:

The wedge-heel sneakers have been out on the market for a while now, but I still think they are awesome. It's the sneakers look but then with a wedge-heel so you can look feminine and boyish at the same time - I really like that! I have a pair from G-Star which I totally love and the funny thing is it's the only shoes boys have giving me compliments on. They are crazy about them! You can wear these on a daily basis.

Blank pumps! Totally party time! I really like these pumps with the blank/shiny look, that just makes them even more visible for other people and they can just fresh up any dress with that shininess. 
Buy them here:

Last but not least the ballet flats for only $12.95. These you can wear with a cute dress or on a daily basis. It's just nice to have some basic ballet flats sometimes that you can just put in easily and walk out the door. I love basic flats, especially in the summertime.
Buy them here:

That's it for this post, I hope you liked it. All items are available at H&M's stores now all around the world. Have a good shoe day! :)