Motivation For Getting Started // Fitness - Training - Working Out

Having a hard time starting exercising? Well this is my sign to you, that you should start training right now! 
It will chance your world - literally. You'll start feeling better, feeling good about your body and your mood suddenly gets waaaay better, you'll have more energy (especially if you're in high school and sit down all the day) basically you'll start feeling better about everything and the most important thing is that you'll start feeling better about yourself!

Remember it's not about doing it for anyone else but for you!

If you need motivation here's some pictures below for you to get started and motivated!

 Suffer the pain of discipline or suffer the pain of regret
 That feel when you take off your clothes
 Want a butt like theirs ? Squats is the answer girl
 You are what you eat, so don't be fast, easy, cheap or fake
 Mainly do it for yourself! BUT this hopefully motivates you even more by proving the ones wrong who didn't believe in you.
 Ryan Gosling - Hey girl keep squatting
 Harder Better Faster Stronger
 Wise words !
 Remember why you started!

 Don't stop because you don't see any difference, but keep on going because of the feeling and the difference is right around the corner
 This a so true, you really need to control your mind and switch it to "I can do this". If you believe in yourself and concentrate about training, you'll be able to reach levels of pain you couldn't before.
 Anger is sometimes a good thing to have if your training example boxing, that will make you sometimes go any further and you'll find a strength of release and feel better after your workout. - because you came out with your anger
 YES! This says so much even though it's a such a short quote. Instead of "finding yourself" you can "create yourself" by working out and eating healthy - just taking good care of your body. 

 That girls' face expression says it all! You can tell she's hungry after success and not giving up EVER! Big inspiration !
 Great motivation if you need to show of how shredded you'd become, so that stupid ex can see what he's missing out on!
 Imagine that body while training! And you'll go further than normal - trust me
 Just do it ;)

 Have patience and you'll start seeing results :)
 It better be a good one :)

 No excuses! get up and going you're already one step ahead the ones sitting on the sofa.
 Train mean!
Hope you feel a little motivated or hopefully a lot! 

Being fit is a satisfying feeling and I'm fighting as often as I can to become fit and have that dream body! I can slowly feel working out is becoming an addiction to me, it fills a void and I feel great :) I feel stronger for every day!
It has always been a dream of mine to start working out and now that I'm doing it I don't ever want to stop, it makes me feel good inside and out. 

I can only recommend starting if you haven't already done it!
If you're already training - I have big respect for you and keep doing what you're doing :)

Stay hungry and never be satisfied for too long :) 

1 comment:

Imogen Ewan said...

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