Hi ladies! This is a very important post for me, cause I've been having acne for a couple of years now, and I am so happy to say that it's almost completely gone! I want to give you some tricks step by step that can help you, if you are struggling with acne as I did or just to maintain your fresh acne free skin. I feel like I need to tell you what worked for me, and hopefully it can help you!

If your acne is really bad try going to your doctor, they can help you with a special cream or pills. If that doesn't help you, then your doctor can recommend you a doctor that is specialized in skin and can help you with stronger pills or another thing that your normal doctor couldn't help you with, cause remember seeing a doctor that is specialized in skin will know exactly how to help you. 

A very important thing is that you can't touch your face, unless you've just washed them! You have so many bacteria on your hands and if you got acne you defiantly don't want to rub them all over your face. Always wash your hands before applying any cream to your face or primer. 

To scrub out any bacteria and dead skin, try the Manhatten Wash Scrub. Use it when you're in the shower. First you wanna take your shower head and point it at your face to wash it, don't touch your face while washing your face, clean your hands with a bit of soap and then you wanna take a little bit of the scrub and scrub it to your skin - especially on the cheeks, forehead and nose area, avoid getting it in your eyes, and DON'T rub to hard! Remember if you rub hard on your skin the acne will get irritated and it will become red and maybe it will swollen a bit. It's your skin and you wanna take care of it so do it nice and gentle. 
After that wash it of with the shower head, don't touch your face while showering the scrub of. 

Apply a moisturizer every morning and night. Before applying wash your face with pure clean water, as I'd like to do is to grab a little towel and make it wet with cold water and press softly to your face to clean it up before applying any moisturizer, now wash your hands. Don't take to much cream and apply to your face while doing circle-motions. Your face will now smell fresh and feel soft. I recommend the Nivea Aqua Sensation Moisturizer  - choose the one for normal skin.   

If you have acne on your bag or anywhere else applying a good body lotion is the answer. You'll need to invest in a more expensive one, but it will be worth it. Try the Plaisir Body Lotion.

 This lotion has a lovely smell and gives you the feel and appearance of soft arms.

If you are wearing makeup try using a primer, which brand do skincare products. It's not always a good idea buying a primer from a company that does makeup. Buying a primer from a skincare company makes sure that they have the right ingredients for your skin. Try out the primer from Nivea, it's a really good primer and it hydrates your skin as well. 


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