Hi ladies! This post is gonna be all about perfumes! I love perfumes and I bet almost every woman loves them. Perfumes is just a must if you wanna attract people with your lovely smell and it's just a nice feeling to smell good. Did you actually know that when people fall in love it also sometimes has to do with their smell?

My favorite perfumes is the Miss Dior Cherie perfume! I love it, but as you can tell I don't have it... yet. I think it's such a lady like perfume and it smells amazing and expensive, which it is! That's why I haven't bought it yet because of the prize. I hope I will get it for my birthday haha :) 

Right now I'm loving the blue long one you see on the right in the picture. It's called Cool Water and it's by DAVIDOFF. It smells like you've just got out of the shower and I love smells like that.

The Nicki Minaj perfume Pink Friday smells very fruity and kind of reminds me of the Juicy perfume a bit. I really like it, but I still prefer the Juicy one.

Forever by Mariah Carey is the clear bottle with gold and looks kind of diamondish. It's an amazing smell and smells so fresh and nice. I really love that! You should really try it if you haven't. It's very affordable and you get a lot of perfume for a good prize.

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