Hi ladies, todays post will be about a bar called Maxim After Training Bar 'high in protein' and the danish bar 'Free Lækkerbar' that I've seen around at the local drug stores and I've heard a lot positive things about them, so why not tell you about it. 

So I've now been training continuously for a month! YES I am proud of myself cause I never thought I would still be motivated after a month, it's always kind of hard for me to stay motivated about a thing for long, I kind of feel like I'm never getting there... A year ago I tried started training but I only did for 3 weeks and I gave up. BUT not this time! I really want to become the best side of myself, I want to see the best of me and show it to the world haha :) I just want to be the good looking one on the beach this summer! I can't wait to do an after and before picture to summer :) 

With that said let's jump in. Both bars are very good but I do have a favorite. The danish bar 'Free Lækkerbar' is absolutely the one I prefer. I really like it and it taste good. You can defiantly taste it's dark chocolate they use in the protein bars, which is of course the healthiest! But I do think it's too strong in the Maxim bar and I had a little hard time getting through that one. But I ate it anyway because of the protein. The 'Free Lækkerbar' tasted just like any other great protein bar with chocolate, even though it was a bit stronger.

I prefer eating a bar after working out, I just feel that's the best way. In the Maxim bar there's 10 g. protein and 131 kcal, and in the 'Free Lækkerbar' there's 13 g. and 124 kcal. So the 'Free Lækkerbar' is defiantly best with most protein and less calories and it's cheaper than the Maxim one.

The 'Free Lækkerbar' is the winner!

After I've ate my bar and gotten out of the shower after training I enjoy reading a good magazine.

Femina Magazine I really enjoy reading! It's a danish magazine and I love fashion, and in Femina they write a lot about fashion and shows a lot of good pics, so if you're a Dane and haven't tried reading FEMINA try it out!

Have a good weekend!  


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